5 Building Standards created to make you safe
Standards created to make you safe at home and in the community
Whether you are relaxing in your swimming pool, playing a team sport or need to take a trip to the hospital, there are Standards designed to keep you safe no matter where you are. Here are five Building and Construction Standards that you might not have realised were designed to keep you safe.
Where swimming pool fences are located is incredibly important to ensure the safety of young children. AS 1926.2-2007 (R2016) sets out options for the location of these fences intended to restrict access of young children to private swimming pools.
Just as important as the location is the Standard AS 1926.1-2012 which specifies requirements for the design, construction and performance of fences, gates, retaining walls, windows, door sets and balconies to restrict young children from entering the private pool.
Not only is a swimming pool fence a necessity, but how and where it is built is important to keep children safe.
From schools and councils to sporting clubs and associations, the quality for chain link fences for sporting grounds is important to help maintain a safe playing environment. AS 1725.5-2010 establishes minimum requirements for chain link fabric fence materials and installation for sports ground fencing.
In this Standard, fence Types 1 to 4 are used as a boundary around sports playing fields for sports including but not limited to soccer, hockey and rugby. Fence Type 5 is aimed towards domestic applications of chain link fences that don't require as heavy durability.
Interior lighting serves many purposes throughout day-to-day activities. From when you turn on the light first thing in the morning to when you switch if off to go to sleep. However, certain types of lighting play a major role in keeping you safe. The Standard AS/NZS 1680.0:2009 sets out the minimum requirements for electric lighting systems within public areas of buildings to help provide conditions that assist the safe movement of people performing regular daily activities.
There's even a Standard that plays a vital role within hospitals and medical practices that sets out lighting recommendations for interior and workplace lighting. AS/NZS 1680.2.5:2018 recommends lighting for such places where a variety of tasks take place, including clinical observation, treatment and care.
Construction and building material Standards, like the examples above, are designed and implemented to keep us safe. They play an important role in day-to-day lives.
Non-compliance in Building and Construction
Consequences of being non-compliant
Not using the relevant Standards and Codes means risking non-compliance, which can have substantial and tangible negative impacts on all involved both within the industry and in the community.
Building in Bushfire Prone Areas
3 Standards to assist in building in bushfire prone areas
Whether you are building or renovating in bushfire prone areas, Standards play a role in stating certain requirements to improve the level of safety and reduce the likeliness of damage to the building.
Guide to Australian Lighting Standards
Lighting Standards for all construction projects
Indoor and outdoor lighting have vastly different requirements based on the location and activity performed. From working in an office, to lighting a tunnel - projects should meet the benchmarks as stated in their relevant Standards.