AS 1670.1:2018
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Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems - System design, installation and commissioning Fire
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AS 1670.1 2018 sets out requirement for the design, installation and commissioning of fire detection and alarm systems comprising components conforming to the requirements of the appropriate component Standards.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
New PDF incorporating Amendment 1.
DocumentType |
978 1 76072 321 7
Pages |
PublisherName |
Standards Australia
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SupersededBy | |
Supersedes |
This Standard sets out requirements for the design, installation and commissioning of fire detection and alarm systems comprising components conforming to the requirements of the appropriate component Standards.
NOTE 1 Where detection and control and indicating equipment forms part of a smoke control system in accordance with AS 1668.1, specific requirements are specified in Clause 7.
NOTE 2 Where detection and control and indicating equipment forms part of a special hazard system in accordance with AS 4214, the additional requirements are covered in AS 1670.5 Fire — Special Hazards.
NOTE 3 Maintenance requirements for fire detection and alarm equipment are given in AS 1851.
Originated as part of AS CA15-1961.
Previous edition AS 1670.1-1995.
AS 1670.1-1995 and AS 1670.2-1997 revised, amalgamated and designated as AS 1670.1-2004.
Second edition AS 1670.1:2015.
This edition 2018.
Reissued incorporating Amendment No 1 (November 2021).
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