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ASTM Standards

About ASTM International

ASTM International was formed over 120 years ago and is one of the world's largest voluntary Standards development organisations, committed to helping the world work better.  

What does ASTM International stand for
? It was originally founded as the American Society for Testing and Materials and, in 2001, was renamed ASTM International.  Its mission as a global leader in developing and delivering voluntary consensus Standards is to enhance performance and help everyone have confidence in what they buy and use.

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Our parent company Intertek and ASTM International have a long-standing partnership spanning several decades. As a member of ASTM International, Intertek participates in developing ASTM Standards and supports their implementation and adoption in various industries and markets.

Intertek Inform streamlines the procurement of ASTM Standards on our user-friendly website, offering a comprehensive catalogue for convenient online purchases. Whether opting for immediate downloads or traditional printed (hardcopy) formats, you can benefit from swift access to essential industry Standards, enhancing efficiency and compliance in a range of fields.

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Steel–piping, tubing, fittings
Standard practice for cleaning, descaling, and passivation of stainless steel parts, equipment, and systems
Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus
Standard Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for General Applications
Standard Practice for Performance Testing of Shipping Containers and Systems
Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (2 to 412 in. (50.8 to 114 mm)) Steel Castings
Standard Specification for Bonded Copper Conductors for Use in Hookup Wires for Electronic Equipment
Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Testing for General Industry
Standard Hardness Conversion Tables
Standard Practice for Evaluation of Methods for Determination of Kinetic Parameters by Calorimetry and Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Trace Chloride, Fluoride, and Bromide in Liquid Organics by Combustion Ion Chromatography (CIC)
Chloride in Petroleum Distillates by Microcoulometry
Standard Test Methods for Field Testing of Anchors in Concrete or Masonry
Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, and Studs
Standard Specification for Nickel Alloy Forgings
Standard Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size
Standard Test Method for Viscosity by Ford Viscosity Cup
Standard Specification for Autocatalytic (Electroless) Nickel-Phosphorus Coatings on Metal
Standard Specification for Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel, and Stainless Steel Nuts
Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Applications
Standard Specification for Application of Portland Cement-Based Plaster
Standard Test Method for Measurement of Lubricity of Aviation Turbine Fuels
Standard test method for air release properties of hydrocarbon based oils
Standard Specification for Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel
Standard Test Method for Critical Radiant Flux of Floor-Covering Systems
Standard Practice for Guarded-Hot-Plate Design Using Circular Line-Heat Sources
Standard Guide for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Disclosure Related to Climate and Community
Standard Specification for ASTM Reference Fluid for Coolant Tests
Standard Guide for Management of Investigation-Derived Waste Associated with PFAS
Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting
Standard Practice for Radiographic Examination
Standard Specification for Common Requirements for Bolting Intended for Use at Any Temperature from Cryogenic to the Creep Range
Standard Guide for Use of UV-A and Visible Light Sources and Meters
Standard Practice for Measuring Intergranular Attack or End Grain Pitting on Metals
Standard Test Methods for Electrical Conductivity and Resistivity of Water
Standard Practice for Determining the Inclusion or Second-Phase Constituent Content of Metals by Automatic Image Analysis
Standard Guide for Additive Manufacturing — Feedstock Materials
Standard Practice for Fastener Sampling for Specified Mechanical Properties and Performance Inspection
Zinc-Flake Coating Systems for Fasteners
Standard Test Method for Thermal Performance of Building Materials and Envelope Assemblies by Means of a Hot Box Apparatus
Standard Practice for Use of a Radiochromic Film Dosimetry System
Standard Practice for Qualification of a Combination of Squeeze Tool, Pipe, and Squeeze-Off Procedures to Avoid Long-Term Damage in Polyethylene (PE) Gas Pipe
Standard Guide for Estimation of Measurement Uncertainty in Dosimetry for Radiation Processing
Standard Practice for Use of a Cellulose Triacetate Dosimetry System
Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials
Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials
Standard Practice for Use of a Thermoluminescence-Dosimetry System (TLD System) for Radiation Processing
Standard Practice for Blood Irradiation Dosimetry
Standard Practice for Use of a Dichromate Dosimetry System
Standard Practice for Qualification of a Combination of Squeeze Tool, Pipe, and Squeeze-Off Procedures to Avoid Long-Term Damage in Polyethylene (PE) Gas Pipe
Standard Practice for Electron Beam Radiation Processing at Energies Between 300 keV and 25 MeV
Standard Guide for Medical-related Professionals within the Cannabis and Hemp Industries
Standard Specification for Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Niobium Alloy...
Standard Test Method for Measuring Load-Induced Subsidence of Intervertebral Body Fusion Device Under Static Axial Compression
Standard Classification of Hydraulic Fluids for Environmental Impact
Standard Test Method for Organohalide Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Water by Microextraction and Gas Chromatography
Standard Specification for Welded Nickel-Chromium-Aluminum Alloy and Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy Tubes

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here, you’ll find answers to common questions related to ASTM International, such as who they are, what they do and its ownership and governance structure.

ASTM International is a non-profit organisation that develops and publishes voluntary consensus standards for products, processes, and services. Globally, over 12,000 technical ASTM standards improve product quality, enhance health and safety, strengthen market access and trade, and build consumer confidence.


As an international non-profit standards organisation, ASTM International works closely with other Standards Developing Organisations (SDOs) to promote the use and adoption of ASTM standards in various sectors, such as building and construction, energy, environment, consumer products, medical devices, and transportation.

No single person or organisation owns ASTM International - it is owned by its members, who are technical experts from relevant sectors. ASTM International is governed by a Board of Directors, which oversees the organisation's strategic direction, policies, and finances and appoints a President/CEO.

Over 140 technical committees cover various sectors and topics, such as metals, petroleum, construction, and the environment. The Committee on Standards is the final authority on approving, withdrawing, and revising standards.

ATSM International also has an External Relations Committee to advise the Board of Directors on issues related to external stakeholders, such as international organisations, governments, industry associations, and other standards bodies.

ASTM International works with many industries, such as construction, energy, consumer products, medical devices, and aerospace. It provides these industries with dependable and uniform standards that help them enhance safety, quality, and efficiency. These standards also foster innovation, performance, and sustainability.

ASTM offers global access to fully transparent standards development, resulting in high market relevance and technical excellence in standardisation.

Many sectors, such as mining, oil and gas, infrastructure, and manufacturing, benefit from the work of ASTM International. Industries across the world can use the high-quality ASTM standards to improve their performance, innovation, and sustainability in the global market.

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