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Russian Maritime Register of Shipping

Classification society Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) was established on 31 December 1913. Since 1969 RS has been a member of International Association of Classification Societies (IACS). Main objectives: • providing safety of life at sea; • providing safe navigation of ships; • safe carriage of goods by sea and in inland waters; • promoting environmental protection. To ensure this, RS develops and upgrades its Rules on the basis of comprehensive research work as well as the requirements of International Conventions and Codes. Since 1993 RS has been maintaining the internal quality management system developed in compliance with ISO 9001. The RS quality management system has been certified and issued with the certificates: National Certification body Gosstandard of Russia Certificate and Independent Certification Body SAI Global Certificate. Since 1999 RS has been recognized by the European Union and acting in accordance with Regulation (EC) 391/2009 and EN 17020.