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Bringing together the global Saipem team with simple, efficient and online access to Standards with i2i

An essential step to simplifying how to access and utilise Standards to enable cost reductions, minimise risk and collaborate as a team.


Saipem S.P.A. is a world leader in the oil and gas contractor services industry. A subsidiary of Italian energy company Eni, Saipem provides engineering, procurement and project management services all over the world. This includes the construction of pipelines, plants and drilling platforms both on and offshore. 


Saipem Logo

Visit the Saipem website for more information on the business. 

"The various project offices had access to collections that were not aligned and not always updated. Finding the right document could therefore be very time-consuming”.

In response to these problems, Saipem contacted Intertek Inform (formerly SAI Global) for a solution that would enable it to share Standards amongst its globally dispersed teams and improve how they collaborated and shared information.


The challenges of a global team 

Saipem is renowned for its expertise in managing tough and technologically challenging projects, often in remote or deepwater areas drilling for 'difficult' oil.


Saipem's teams and departments needed to be able to access Standards and compliance information on a near daily basis for the construction of pipelines and refineries. With operations all over the world, Saipem had a number of different subscriptions with different Standards providers.


This was causing problems because it meant Saipem had separate collections of Standards that couldn't be viewed or shared amongst its globally spread teams:

  • Wasting money: Without knowing which Standards had already been purchased, teams in different countries were buying the same Standards. This was wasting money that could have been better spent on Standards Saipem didn't already own
  • At risk of using the wrong Standard: Keeping collections of Standards separate meant it was difficult for globally dispersed teams to collaborate, add notes and share ideas on which was the correct Standard to use in a specific situation
  • Required for the bidding process: The correct Standards had to be attached to tenders during the bidding process
    Identifying the correct building materials: Saipem required the correct Standards to ensure the correct building materials were used
  • Wasted time: Operations and teams would be at a standstill until the correct Standard was located and the correct requirements applied.

Bringing a global team together

In response to these problems, Saipem contacted Intertek Inform (formerly SAI Global) Standards for a solution that would enable it to share Standards amongst its globally dispersed teams and improve how they collaborated and shared information.


i2i platform is a flexible and cost effective Standards management solution that provides complete visibility and tracking on which Standards have been used, in which location and how frequently.

It provided Sapiem with:

A central resource

As an online, secure platform, i2i provides Saipem's globally dispersed teams with a central resource of over 1 million Standards from all key national and international publishers. With all user activity tracked, i2i enables Saipem to see exactly which Standards have been purchased to take control of Standards budgets and eliminate duplicate copies.

Customisable collections

i2i's customisation tools also enabled Saipem's teams and departments to create customised collections of Standards to which they could add their own notes, ideas and links to external resources. This provided a central repository of key information that can be shared amongst its operations all over the world.

Industry relevant packages

With i2i, Saipem can buy a collection of Standards that are applicable to its industry. This is a far more cost effective than having to buy a complete package of Standards in which many of the Standards might be irrelevant and unusable. 

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