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NFPA 3000:2024



The latest, up-to-date edition.

Standard for an Active Shooter/Hostile Event Response (ASHER) Program

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Chapter 1 Administration 1.1 Scope. 1.2 Purpose. 1.3 Equivalency. 1.4 Application. Chapter 2 Referenced Publications 2.1 General. 2.2 NFPA Publications. 2.3 Other Publications. 2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections. Chapter 3 Definitions 3.1 General. 3.2 NFPA Official Definitions. 3.3 General Definitions. Chapter 4 ASHER Program Development Process 4.1 Administration. 4.2 ASHER Program Committee. 4.3 ASHER Program Organizational Statement. 4.4 Incident Management System. Chapter 5 Risk Assessment 5.1 Administration. 5.2 At-Risk Locations. 5.3 Analyzing the Consequences of an Attack. 5.4 Hazard/Risk Assessment (Probability/Consequence).Chapter 6 Planning/Coordination 6.1 Administration. 6.2 Plan Development. 6.3 Emergency Operations Plans. 6.4 SOP Planning Components. 6.5 Post-Incident Procedures. 6.6 Incident Management. 6.7 Active Shooter/Hostile Event Response Guideline. 6.8 Operational Security. 6.9 Information and Intelligence Sharing. Chapter 7 Resource Management 7.1 Administration. 7.2 Personnel. 7.3 Mutual Aid. 7.4 Logistics and Records Management. Chapter 8 Incident Management 8.1 Administration. 8.2 Application of Unified Command. 8.3 Incident Size-Up. 8.4 Establishing Unified Command. 8.5 Transfer of Command. 8.6 Incident Stabilization. 8.7 After Action Reports. Chapter 9 Facility Preparedness 9.1 Administration. 9.2 Facility and Occupancy Characteristics. 9.3 Emergency Action Plans. 9.4 Notification. 9.5 Exercise.Chapter 10 Financial Management 10.1 Administration. 10.2 Documentation and Management Policy. 10.3 Revenue Sources. 10.4 Program Costs. 10.5 Cost Recovery. Chapter 11 Communications Center Support 11.1 Administration. 11.2 Communication Center Coordination. 11.3 Communication Relationships. 11.4 Communication and Dispatch Systems. 11.5 Data and Information Management 11.6 Essential Data Elements. 11.7 Operability. 11.8 Preplanned Response Packages. Chapter 12 Competencies for Law Enforcement 12.1 Administration. Chapter 13 Competencies for Fire and EMS Personnel 13.1 Administration. 13.2 Threat-Based Care. 13.3 Tasks. 13.4 Competencies. Chapter 14 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 14.1 Administration. 14.2 General Requirements. 14.3 BPE Specification and Type. 14.4 Identifying Markings. 14.5 Ballistic Protective Equipment (BPE) Care, Maintenance, and Replacement. 14.6 Deviations.Chapter 15 Training 15.1 Administration. 15.2 Scope of ASHER Training. 15.3 Training Sites. 15.4 Training Records Management. Chapter 16 Public Education 16.1 Administration. 16.2 Community Training and Education. 16.3 Public Education. 16.4 Scope and Frequency of Instruction. Chapter 17 Public Information 17.1 Administration. 17.2 Joint Information Center. 17.3 Joint Information Center and Joint Information System. 17.4 Warning, Notification, and Crisis Communications. 17.5 Social Media. 17.6 Establishing and Managing a Media Area. Chapter 18 Continuity of Operation 18.1 Administration. 18.2 Continuity. Chapter 19 Health Care Receiving Facility Preparedness and Response for Off-Site ASHEs 19.1 Administration. 19.2 Preparedness and Emergency Management. 19.3 Patient Distribution. 19.4 Communications. 19.5 Victim Identification and Tracking. 19.6 Facility Security. 19.7 Facility Command Center/Incident Management System. Chapter 20 Recovery20.1 Administration. 20.2 Immediate Recovery. 20.3 Early Recovery. 20.4 Continued Recovery. Annex A Explanatory Material Annex B Laws, Regulations, Consensus Standards, and Guidance Documents Annex C After Action Report Annex D ASHER Program Development Annex E Informational References

The scope of this standard is limited to the neces‐ sary functions and actions related to preparedness, response, and recovery from an active shooter/hostile event (ASHE).

TIA 24-1, Reference: Annex E (new), Issue date:29-Aug-2024
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