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NFPA 69:2024



The latest, up-to-date edition.

Standard on Explosion Prevention Systems

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Chapter 1 Administration 1.1 Scope. 1.2 Purpose. 1.3 Application. 1.4 Retroactivity. 1.5 Equivalency. Chapter 2 Referenced Publications 2.1 General. 2.2 NFPA Publications. 2.3 Other Publications. 2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections. Chapter 3 Definitions 3.1 General. 3.2 NFPA Official Definitions. 3.3 General Definitions. Chapter 4 General Requirements 4.1 Goal. 4.2 Objectives. 4.3 Compliance Options. Chapter 5 Performance-Based Design Option 5.1 General Requirements. 5.2 Performance Criteria. Chapter 6 General Prescriptive Requirements 6.1 Methods. 6.2 Limitations. 6.3 Factors to Be Considered. 6.4 Plans. 6.5 System Acceptance. 6.6 Inspection and Maintenance. 6.7 Housekeeping. Chapter 7 Deflagration Prevention by Oxidant Concentration Reduction 7.1 Application. 7.2 Design and Operating Requirements. 7.3 Purge Gas Sources. 7.4 Purge Gas Conditioning. 7.5 Piping Systems. 7.6 Application of Purge Gas at Points of Use. 7.7 Instrumentation. Chapter 8 Deflagration Prevention by Combustible Concentration Reduction 8.1 Application. 8.2 Basic Design Considerations. 8.3 Design and Operating Requirements. 8.4 Instrumentation. Chapter 9 Predeflagration Detection and Control of Ignition Sources 9.1 Application. 9.2 Limitations. 9.3 Optical Sensing System and Gas Sensing System Design Considerations. 9.4 Testing. 9.5 Protection System Design and Operation. 9.6 System Manufacturer’s Additional Responsibilities. 9.7 Actuation of Other Devices and Systems. 9.8 Process Shutdown. Chapter 10 Deflagration Control by Suppression 10.1 Application. 10.2 Limitations. 10.3 Personnel Safety. 10.4 Basic Design Considerations. 10.5 Control Panels. 10.6 Detection Devices. 10.7 Electrically Operated Actuating Devices. 10.8 Suppressant and Suppressant Storage Containers. Chapter 11 Deflagration Control by Active Isolation 11.1 Application. 11.2 Isolation Techniques. 11.3 Personnel Safety. 11.4 Basic Design and Operation. 11.5 Detection Devices. 11.6 Electrically Operated Actuating Devices. 11.7 Control Panels. Chapter 12 Deflagration Control by Passive Isolation 12.1 Application. 12.2 Passive Isolation Techniques. Chapter 13 Deflagration Control by Pressure Containment 13.1 Application. 13.2 Design Limitations. 13.3 Design Bases. 13.4 Maintenance. Chapter 14 Passive Explosion Suppression Using Expanded Metal Mesh or Polymer Foams 14.1 Applications. 14.2 Foam and Mesh Requirements. 14.3 Expanded Metal Mesh and Polymer Foam Explosion Suppression Testing. 14.4 Expanded Metal Mesh or Polymer Foam Installations. 14.5 Expanded Metal Mesh or Polymer Foam Maintenance and Replacement. Chapter 15 Installation, Inspection, and Maintenance of Explosion Prevention Systems 15.1 General. 15.2 Installation. 15.3 Mechanical Installation. 15.4 Agent, Agent Storage Containers, Automatic Fast-Acting Valves, Flame Arresters, and Flame Front Diverters. 15.5 Electrical Installation. 15.6 System Acceptance. 15.7 Inspection and Testing. 15.8 Procedures Following System Actuation. 15.9 Recordkeeping. 15.10 Personnel Safety and Training 15.11 Management of Change. 15.12 Maintenance. Annex A Explanatory Material Annex B Control of Flammable Gas Mixtures by Oxidant Concentration Reduction and Combustible Concentration Reduction Annex C Limiting Oxidant Concentrations Annex D Ventilation Calculations Annex E Purging Methods Annex F Flame Arresters Annex G Deflagration Containment Calculation Method for Two Interconnected Vessels Annex H Informational References

This standard applies to the design, installation, operation, maintenance, and testing of systems for the prevention of explosions by means of the following methods: (1) Control of oxidant concentration (2) Control of combustible concentration (3) Predeflagration detection and control of ignition sources (4) Explosion suppression (5) Active isolation (6) Passive isolation (7) Deflagration pressure containment (8) Passive explosion suppression

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