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Standards Australia

About Standards Australia

Standards Australia is Australia’s leading standards development and approval body. As a non-government body, Standards Australia accredits other Standards Development Organisations. It also develops and publishes technical, voluntary, and commercial safety standards for use in Australia. Working across various industries, Standards Australia also focuses on adopting international standards. So, what does Standards Australia do? It develops safety standards for Australia’s net benefit through a committee process where consensus is reached.

Intertek Inform: Your Gateway to Standards Australia

Intertek Inform simplifies standards procurement with its centralised platform, user-friendly interface, personalised recommendations, and secure payment processing. Clients can access Standards Australia's comprehensive library, ensuring compliance and industry relevance. Detailed standard information, version control, and customer support ensure efficient access to up-to-date and relevant standards.

For over 130 years,
Intertek has offered innovative solutions in over 1,000 locations in 100 countries through Assurance, Testing, Inspection and Certification services (ATIC). Intertek Inform's services in relation to Standards Australia reduce risk for organisations, brands, companies, and consumers in every sector worldwide. Intertek's capabilities, combined with Intertek Inform, ensure you have access to the full suite of solutions across the entire assurance lifecycle.


View all AS Standards

Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules)
Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders - Design, construction and installation
Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements with guidance for use
Electrical installations - Selection of cables Cables for alternating voltages up to and including 0.6/1 kV - Typical Australian installation conditions
Reprocessing of reusable medical devices and other devices in health and non-health related facilities
Dangerous Goods - Initial Emergency Response Guide
Performance of household electrical appliances - Clothes washing machines Methods for measuring performance, energy and water consumption
Personal equipment for work at height Manufacturing requirements for full body combination and lower body harnesses
Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas
Risk management - Guidelines
Concrete structures
Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems - System design, installation and commissioning Fire
Installation and safety requirements for photovoltaic (PV) arrays
Design for access and mobility General requirements for access - New building work
Quality management systems - Requirements
The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids
Fire hydrant installations System design, installation and commissioning
Residential slabs and footings
Emergency lighting and exit signs for buildings System design, installation and operation
Automatic fire sprinkler systems General systems
Graphic technology - Displays for colour proofing - Characteristics
Addressing International postal address components and template language
Timber - Softwood - Visually stress-graded for structural purposes
Coaxial cable and optical fibre systems for the RF distribution of digital television, radio and in-house analogue television signals in single and multiple dwelling installations
Information and documentation - International standard music number (ISMN)
Accessories for seat belts used in motor vehicles
Structures for mine shafts Rope guides (ISO 19426-7:2021, MOD)
Fans - Vocabulary and definitions of categories Vocabulary
Addressing Assigning and maintaining addresses for objects in the physical world
Respiratory protective devices
Safety of toys Microbiological safety
Date and time - Vocabulary
Freight containers Coding, identification and marking
Hard coal - Sampling of slurries
Freight containers Platform containers
Project, programme and portfolio management
Digital engineering for fixed rail infrastructure Part 2: Technical requirements
Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Bars
Wheelchairs Power and control systems for electrically powered wheelchairs and scooters - Requirements and test methods
Formwork for concrete Design and construction
Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use
Planning for emergencies in facilities
Residential timber-framed construction Non-cyclonic areas
General conditions of contract
Boilers - Safety management and supervision systems
General conditions of contract
Masonry in small buildings Design
General conditions of contract for design and construct
Electrical installations - Periodic assessment
Plumbing and drainage Stormwater drainage
Safety of machinery
Electrical installations - Safety of battery systems for use with power conversion equipment
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies General rules
Steel structures
Minor works contract conditions (Principal administered)
In-service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment and RCDs
Gas installations LP Gas installations in caravans and boats for non-propulsive purposes
Emergency lighting and exit signs for buildings Routine service and maintenance
Electrical installations - Construction and demolition sites
Safe working on or near low-voltage and extra-low voltage electrical installations and equipment
Get the latest copy of the Wiring Rules today

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Frequently Asked Questions

  Read on to find out more about Standards Australia.  

Standards Australia is the principal standards body in Australia. As an independent, not-for-profit, non-governmental standards organisation, Standards Australia develops safety standards, handbooks, technical specifications, publications, resources, and solutions. 

The critical work Standards Australia performs improves Australia’s international competitiveness and economic efficiency by developing, maintaining, and promoting Australian Standards. It also contributes to ensuring safe and sustainable environments for all Australians. Standards Australia is a member of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and is Australia’s representative.

Standards Australia forms technical committees comprising stakeholders from business, government, community, academia, industry, and consumers. Using a consensus process, Standards Australia facilitates the committees to develop safety standards in Australia for everyone’s benefit.

Standards Australia is the owner and creator of Australian standards. As a not-for-profit, independent, non-government entity, it creates and maintains standards across various public, private and community stakeholders. Some of the industries that Standards Australia is responsible for include:

  • Building and construction
  • Dangerous goods protection
  • Electrical engineering
  • Electrical wires and cables.
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Playground equipment
  • Quality management
  • Quality assurance
  • Timber structures.

Standards Australia publishes voluntary standards that State and Commonwealth governments can refer to in their legislation. If this happens, the safety standards become mandatory.

Standards Australia is the leading non-governmental, independent, not-for-profit standards organisation. They are specialists in developing and adopting internationally aligned standards in Australia. Standards Australia works across many industries with various stakeholders to ensure Australian industries maintain safety, quality, and efficiency standards.

Standards Australia's purpose includes:

  • International participation: Standards Australia participates in developing and adopting International Standards.
  • Standards development: Standards Australia offers stakeholders across multiple industries the opportunity to develop or update new and existing safety standards.
  • Accreditation of standards development organisations: Standards Australia assesses and approves other Australian organisations to develop Australian Standards.

Standards Australia cannot provide advice regarding compliance or non-compliance with specifications or requirements in standards. The relevant regulators deal with compliance matters. A list of safety Standards Australia government contacts is available here.  

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AS 3959

AS 3959 Bushfire Attack Levels Overview & Guide

Building in bushfire-prone areas

AS 3959 is a critical Standard for the construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas in Australia. This guide provides an overview of the AS 3959 bushfire Standard, specifically focusing on Bushfire Attack Levels (BAL).

timber framed construction-AS-1684

What is the AS 1684 Standard in Australia?

General changes to AS 1684 Standards in 2024

The AS 1684 Standards series is a cornerstone in Australian timber-framed construction, providing essential guidelines for the building industry. It is also referred to as the Timber Framing Code.

AS 3000

Is AS 3000 a legal requirement?

AS/NZS 3000:2018 is mandated across all Australian jurisdictions

Compliance with the Wiring Rules is currently enforced through state and territory legislation which ensures the safety of electrical installations. The latest ruling, AS/NZS 3000:2018 Rul 1:2024, has been consolidated into the current Standard.

Building in bushfire prone areas

Building in Bushfire Prone Areas

3 Standards to assist in building in bushfire prone areas

Whether you are building or renovating in bushfire prone areas, Standards play a role in stating certain requirements to improve the level of safety and reduce the likeliness of damage to the building.

Guide to lighting Standards

Guide to Australian Lighting Standards

Lighting Standards for all construction projects

Indoor and outdoor lighting have vastly different requirements based on the location and activity performed. From working in an office, to lighting a tunnel - projects should meet the benchmarks as stated in their relevant Standards.

Wiring Rules

Wiring Rules

Discover more about the Wiring Rules with our Web Series

Essential for electricians, inspectors and regulators, AS/NZS 3000 specifies the electrical installation safety requirements for all premises in Australia and New Zealand.


Wiring Rules: Top 5 Things you need to know

Comply with the Standards, it could save your life

There have been over 200 changes to AS/NZS 3000 Wiring Rules revision since the last update in 2007. Industry feedback and experience gained from the previous edition of the Wiring Rules have led to several enhancements to the AS/NZS 3000 2018 Wiring

What is the National Construction Code (NCC)

What is the NCC and why is it Important?

Learn about The National Construction Code (NCC)

It keeps Australians safe by outlining technical provisions for the design and construction of buildings and other structures throughout Australia. The NCC is a comprehensive code that covers all buildings and more.

8 Benefits of Standards

8 Benefits of Standards

Compliance with Standards has a range of benefits

Standards can affect an organisation's quality, lead-time, supply chain management and costs. They make trade across international borders easier and promote global competition, having a positive impact on economies.