Connecting the dots in the regulatory environment
Maintaining compliance across your organisation requires a thorough grasp of the ever-changing regulatory environment. LexConnect allows you to see what Australian Standards are referenced within Australian legislation & CodeConnect enables you to see what Codes of Practice are referenced within Australian legislation.
LexConnect, the link between Standards & legislation
LexConnect enables you to:
- Search for a Standard by keyword or reference number
- Identify where in the legislation the Standard is referenced
- Discover other Standards referenced within that piece of legislation
- Hyperlink from Standards through to the relevant legislation
- Hyperlink to the Standards for purchase
- View the legislation in which the Standard is referenced or indicates whether the Standard is referenced in legislation
CodeConnect, the link between Codes of Practice & legislation
CodeConnect enables you to:
- Connect Codes of Practice referenced within Australian legislation
- Identify which Standards are referenced in legislated Codes of Practice
- Run a legislation title search for Codes of Practice in that legislation
- Run a Code of Practice title search to find Codes of Practice referenced in legislation
- Link through to a Code of Practice, taking you to the actual Code of Practice location within its governing body website
These services are available as an add-on to any Lawlex or i2i subscription.